5 Weird Times when S3x is the BEST Answer

5 Weird Times when S3x is the BEST Answer [NAUGHTY]



When do you have se-x?

Anytime? Every time? Never? Or you wait until an opportunity presents itself?

For people with a healthy appetite, the only reason not to have s3x every minute is the absence of a partner.

Others may make a s3x routine that they follow religiously.

But because s3x is an awesome thing, especially where both partners are mentally and physically involves, people like Wha’anda would not mind s3x always.

But the truth is that some moments can give the right vibe for the best s3x – it may be location, time or just the atmosphere.

Anyway, here are 5 times when s3x is just the answer:

  1. Have s3x before a big/crunch meeting – Because s3x calms nerves, lowers blood pressure and reduces stress, you might want to have s3x before going for that meeting, doing that presentation or making that important negotiation.

  2. Have s3x in the morning, especially weekends – honestly, there should be a law mandating all couples to have s3x in the morning because the body was made for morning s3x, when testosterone and energy levels higher. The increase in oxytocin levels helps the partners bond all day while endorphins boost their moods.

  3. Have s3x when you’re feeling down (ill, or work stress) – most people withdraw into their shells when they feel down and turn down advances from their partners. But this is actually the right time to get intimate and get some real loving. You know why? Studies show that s3x boosts the immune system. The same applies to a day that work or business did not go so well.

  4. Have s3x on day 14 of the woman’s cycle – a study has shown that women’s cli-toris grows up to 20 percent bigger by this time. This means that the woman is more likely to get an 0rgasm at this period.

  5. Have s3x after doing something exciting, scary – s3x after a highly exciting encounter can produce explosive 0rgasms. The adrenaline flowing through your body puts it in a state of high alert and ready aro-usal which will boost s3xual response.

Other times when s3x may be a good idea is when you have just made up with your partner after a bust up.

Also, s3x after a very tough workout will take advantage of post-workout blood flow.

Go, make love and be happy…
