7 Things You’ll Gain by Having Regular Sex

7 Things You’ll Gain by Having Regular Sex


In the end, you stand to benefit more than your lover if you go oral on her.

If sex is mere physical exercise to you, then you need to think again.

You know why, sex has so many more benefits than just the pleasurable orgasms you can’t have enough of.

If we are to believe the opinion of sex experts, having sex regularly can do wonders for your health, keep you younger, happier and more efficient as a person.

Your immune system gains a lot from your sexual activity and scientist say an active sex life will help you keep your youthful looks for much longer than your age mates who don’t have sex regularly.

Today, Wha’anda brings you 6 benefits of sex you may not have heard about:

  1. More sex leave you with a happy mood – during orgasm, the body releases oxytocin, a hormone which generates emotional feelings such as warmth and nurturing.

  2. More sex can lead to longer lifespan – scientists have found a link between frequency of sex and longevity. They say  a person who has one or more orgasm a week can halve the risk of dying prematurely

  3. More sex keeps you fit and trim – you know, sex is a form of exercise that can also help you lose weight. In each hour of sex, you burn between 100 and 250 calories so regular sex will help you burn thousands of calories.

  4. More sex will give you young, good skin – people who have sex at least thrice a week look between four and seven years younger because sex is an aerobic form of exercise which promotes skin renewal by pushing up  fresher skin cells to the surface of the skin to give you a younger appearance.

  5. More sex leaves you with less stress –orgasm triggers the release of endorphins (feel-good chemicals) into your body. This acts as effective painkillers and takes pressure off the brain, leaving you relaxed

  6. More sex gives you as stronger heart – regular sex can help can help raise the level of testosterone, which is said to protect the heart.

  7. More sex leads to stronger immune system – with regular sex you have a lesser chance of falling ill because your immune system is stronger and more able to protect you

This means you may need to add more sex your to schedule.

After all, you get the pleasures of the orgasms and still get long term benefits.

What do you have to lose?

