4 Pleasurable Things to do with your Boobs

4 Pleasurable Things to do with your Boobs


Boob sex

Great sex is not complete without your boobs getting a little bit of the action.

Next time you and your guy are getting naughty, try these four moves to heat things up.

Boob sex

The gentle touch

Have him run his fingers lightly just above the skin on your chest and on your breasts without touching your nipples or coming in direct contact with your body. Skimming your skin like this brushes the tiny hairs on your body into a delightful tease.

Sensitive touch

Nipples typically get all the attention, but the areas right above the nipples are actually the most sensitive parts of your breast.

Boob sex

When wet

This can be done during shower sex, but you can also have your man gently lick and suck on your nipple during sex. This heightens the pleasure for both of you.

The twist

Another great nipple move is the twist. Ask your guy to grasp your nipple between his fingers and lightly twist it. Or do it yourself while he’s focusing on another parts of your body. There is something slightly kinky and very much enjoyable about this move.
